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섹시한 로봇 Sexy Robots & 인공지능 로봇에 대한 경고

by 나비현상 2017. 3. 5.

WARNING! This Video Will Shock You, Sophia Robot said she will destroy humans

Hanson Robotics has designed Sophia's Robot, one of the most advanced robots like Atlas.. This robot Sophia, said she wants to destroy humans. It is not a funny statement..! As we already know the leaders, scientist warns the World regarding artificial intelligence. The Terminator scenario could become a reality.. if there are no actions towards articial intelligence.

Top 3 Sexy Robots In The World - Better Than Your Girlfriend!

"Top 3 Most Sexy Robots" "Sexy Robots" robots robot robotics "japanese robot" "japan robot" "humanoid robots" "humanoid robot" "sexy robot" "female robot" ACTROID-F "Geminoid F" "HRP-4C" "Geminoid

$50,000 humanoid robot built from scratch in Hong Kong

Hanson Robotics has designed Sophia's Robot, one of the most advanced robots like Atlas.. This robot Sophia, said she wants to destroy humans. It is not a funny statement..! As we already know the leaders, scientist warns the World regarding artificial intelligence. The Terminator scenario could become a reality.. if there are no actions towards articial intelligence.

