네팔의 카트만두 인근에서 규모 7.9의 강진이 발생하자 도시 곳곳은 순식간에 폐허로 변했다고 해외뉴스는 보도 하고 잇습니다.
Powerful Earthquake Rocks Nepal
A powerful, 7.8-magnitude earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, collapsing houses and leveling centuries-old temples in the worst temblor in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. (April 25)
Terremoto no Nepal - Câmeras de segurança captam início do terremoto 25/ 201.5. Terremoto no Nepal - Momentos de angustia captados en cámara 25.04.2015.Terremoto deixa pelo menos 1.400 mortos no Nepal em sismo de 7.9 na escala de Richter ocorreu este sábado no Nepal.Um terremoto de magnitude 7,9 atingiu o Nepal e pode ser sentido na Índia e em Bangladesh neste sábado. Pelo menos 1.400 mortes em decorrência do tremor de terra já foram confirmadas, além de danos materiais em casas, prédios, templos e monumentos. Earthquake in Nepal leaves hundreds dead.Earthquake in Nepal.Aardbewing in Nepal.Tërmeti në Nepal.Erdbeben in Nepal.زلزال في نيبال..Երկրաշարժ Նեպալում.Nepal zəlzələ.Heç bir Nepal Terremoto.Terremoto ez Nepal.কোন নেপাল Terremoto.Terremoto ня Непала.အဘယ်သူမျှမနီပေါ Terremoto.B92 - Vesti - Nepal:Razoran zemljotres,876 mrtvih.Землетрясение в Непале (2015).زلزال في نيبال.Terratrèmol al Nepal.Непалда жер сілкінісі.Непалда жойқын жер сілкінісі құрбандарының саны 777. 尼泊尔发生强烈地震_新闻中心_新浪网. ネパールの地震 死者600人以上に. video impactante terremoto en nepal 7.9 deja 800 muertos 25-04-2015 nepal earthquake.breaking news | terremoto 7.9 richter en nepal (25/04/15).24/04/2015 - grande terremoto no nepal e na índia mata dezenas de milhares. breaking news | terremoto 7.9 richter en nepal (25/04/15).Fuerte terremoto deja más de 1.400 muertos en Nepal.Tragédia no Nepa,TERREMOTO NEPAL MAGNITUDO 7.9 E' TRAGEDIA
USAID is also preparing to deploy a disaster response team and is activating an urban search and rescue team to accompany disaster experts, Kerry added.
"To the people in Nepal and the region affected by this tragedy we send our heartfelt sympathies," Kerry said in a statement.
The quake hit the poverty-stricken Himalayan country just before noon local time (2:15 a.m. ET), with an epicenter about 50 miles from the capital of Kathmandu and 50 miles east of Nepal's second-largest city, Pokhara. It was felt in neighboring South Asian countries, and killed 50 others in India, Tibet and Bangladesh, the AP said.